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Set a meeting with us at RSA Conference 2024

6-9 May 2024


Moscone Center

Meet With Us

Ekran System Technology Partners

Elevate Your Products with Our Effective Insider Threat Management Solutions

Ekran System is a comprehensive user activity monitoring and insider threat detection platform that is easy to deploy and maintain. Thanks to Ekran System technology partnership, you can streamline your day-to-day operations and deliver robust security services to your clients.

Integration with SIEM and ticketing systems

Multi-tenant mode

Centralized updating of endpoint clients

System self-monitoring dashboard

Can be installed on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems

Why partner with us?

Integrating insider risk management functionality with your software will add value to your products and help you meet your customers’ business goals. Enhance your IT security offerings by becoming an Ekran System cybersecurity technology partner.

Benefits of collaboration with us

Risk-free investment

Achieve a quick and predictable return on your integration investment.

Individual assistance

Get a personal strategic partner manager that will reply promptly and help with all your issues.

Tech support 24/7

Receive necessary resources and quality support around the clock from our technical team.

Innovation and advancement

Stay at the forefront. Our R&D team is constantly improving our platform to accommodate individual business needs.

Access to our expertise

Enhance your knowledge. We provide technical and sales training for your team to ensure successful integration of our platform with your products and services.

Mutual marketing

Take advantage of a joint marketing strategy. We supply our partners with all marketing resources and are happy to develop mutual campaigns with our marketing resources.

Growth of product value

Boost your business value. Thanks to integration with our insider threat protection software, you can add additional value to your products.

Fair revenue share

Get an equitable share of revenue with every successful deal.

Venn’s perspective on the partnership with Ekran System

“Our collaboration with Ekran System brings a more targeted approach to BYOD security. By integrating with Ekran, only work-related activities in the Secure Enclave are monitored, ensuring precise and robust data protection without encroaching on personal computing. This collaboration combines Ekran’s advanced monitoring capabilities with our Secure Enclave’s unique ability to segregate and safeguard work from anything personal on the same device, offering a solution that respects both organizational security needs and the privacy of the employees.”

Christopher Johnson

Product Manager at Venn

Our technology partners